Saturday, October 2, 2010

Weekend Update

Today was a busy day.

I spent three hours teaching about heat energy to 16 2nd and 3rd graders. It was a great learning experience!

We got some sad news earlier this week. My cousin's grandma passed away. Although it was something that they knew was coming, having a family member pass away never is easy. The funeral was here in Marquette so a large portion of my family were here today. I got to spend some time hanging out with my family before we went to pay our respects to Helen Tramp.

After the funeral service my parents, Aunty Wendy and cousin Mikayla spent some time catching up at our apartment. We had a nice time celebrating my birthday, talking about healthy living, playing with Mikayla's Halloween costume and Mikayla had a blast hanging out with her buddy Ben. They went to the garden and spent some time harvesting. We also went for a car ride up to a beautiful mountain and were in awe of the beautiful colors!! We stopped at a local pizza shop and they gave us a bunch of free pizza. Yum!

Now Ben and I are taking some time to relax this evening. It is something we haven't done often enough. I feel like we are running from one thing to another and hardly to have time to just sit and relax. We are so exhausted from the day that we figured now is a good time to relax. Mos of you know that I can't do that... so here I am! :)

Overall, it was a nice day. I enjoyed seeing so much of my family but unfortunately it wasn't for a happy occasion. Please pray for peace and comfort for all of those who mourn.

Now for some pictures...
My mom and Mikayla
Mikayla had to show us her awesome Halloween costume
and my mom had to try on Mikayla's wig! 

 My dad tried it on too. So did Ben... but I don't think he wants his picture on here. :)

Beautiful witch! 

 The beautiful fall colors! I will miss this!

Can life really get better than this? 

Mikayla and I! 

Mikayla LOVES Ben! He does silly things with her. 
Like having a pepper eating contest. 

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