Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pallets, Pallets, Pallets!

Ben has been really itching to start woodworking again. It was a hobby he really enjoyed in High School and recently has been wanting to take up once more. A big motivator for this is our apartment. We moved in to our apartment in July and finally after almost a year have really settled in and feel like this is our HOME! But there are some empty spaces that could use some furniture, updates to furniture that can be done and creating more functional pieces in our home. 

We love to reuse, reduce and recycle in our home so we took that idea into designing new furniture for our place. In comes the idea of using pallets. Ben's idea at first and after sketching out some plans he got to work. 

Project #1
Pallet Headboard

Step 1: Get Pallets
Step 2: Take wood off pallet.
Step 3: Cut wood into usable pieces. 

Step 4: Assemble pieces on a piece of plywood. 
Step 5: Cut of the random protruding edges.
Step 6: Sand down everything! 

Step 7: Stain the wood.
Step 8: Enjoy

The problem was the stain wasn't the color we were hoping for so instead Ben sold it for a good chunk of change of Craigslist! 

Project #2
Pallet Mirror
Step 1: Buy an IKEA mirror
Step 2: Find some old pallets and take off the wood.
Step 3: Cut wood to size.
Step 4: Use wood glue to glue the wood to the mirror and place clamps in various locations around the mirror over night. This will ensure the boards glue nicely to the mirror.
Step 5 (optional): For extra support screw the boards in. *Recommended!*
Step 6: Hang your mirror!

Our dining room - in progress! 

Project #3
Pallet Coffee table

Step 1: Find a cool pallet in good shape.
Ie: no missing boards, boards close together, no stains, or water damage.
Step 2: Using a board from another pallet that matches close in color, make legs!
Step 3: Enjoy! 

This is another "to sell" item! 
This table is too big for our living room and does not go well with our current furnishings but Ben had fun building it! I will be sad when he sells it. 

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