Sunday, March 4, 2012

OH: Week Seven

Organize Your Home: Week 7
Healthy Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping

I assumed in this challenge there would be some weeks that would not apply to our family. In the months ahead the challenge will move to organizing kid's rooms, closets, etc. and other areas we do not have. The focus of this challenge is to get in the habit of healthy meal planning, and creating a grocery shopping list. 

Right now our Meal Planning/Grocery Shopping goes like this: 
"Ben what do you want to do for dinner this week?"
We plan some meals and we (or just one of us) goes shopping to pick up goodies to last the week. We also have certain items that we buy on a weekly basis (salad, milk, veggies, fruits, some form of meat, etc.) Occasionally we talk about what meals we are going to have each day otherwise Ben just choose what dinner will be and I eat it when I get home from work! Ben is the chef in our family.

For now, this system works for us. But... I couldn't deprive you from the organizing that has happened in our home!

We have a closet that was...well a mess. It was cluttered and practically unusable because of all the junk that was inside. 

Keepsake/Craft/School/Games/Random Junk Closet
There were a few more boxes in here that I took out before taking this picture.  

Everything was piled into the closet

In the middle of the cleaning and organizing process. 

More junk in the dining room. This was quite the process. 

I went through wedding stuff and parted with a few items.
I had two computer paper boxes full of wedding items and got down to one box.
I had three big totes filled with keepsakes and got down to two. 
One of our keepsakes and one with our old toys/dolls, etc. for our future children.

Now a Keepsake/School/Gift Supplies Closet
Some of the objects in this closet found a new home, others went to Goodwill. 

I created a gift area: wrapping paper in one container, bags in the drawer, crepe paper, ribbons, etc. in the little tote and a card box on top. Behind all that is a basket filled with goodies for when our little 2 and 1year old friend visit. 

Yeah organization!

So even though Menu Planning is not our thing, organization did happen in our home! 

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