Sunday, March 11, 2012

OH: Week Eight

Organize Your Home: Week 8
Create a Simple Address Book and Organize Contact Information

This week's challenge was originally completed last winter. I was unsatisfied with my current address book system. I knew that in a short amount of time I was getting a new cellphone with a new provider and would need to put in manually all my current phone numbers. With these two things in mind I began organizing and creating an address book.

This is how it looked at the beginning of the week.
Everything was falling out and numerous addresses were whited out and new address written in.

Instead of using the blank spaces I left for such situations.. I wrote new people and their contact information on post-its. 

Steps I completed for this week's challenge:
1. Evaluate current system. What did I like, what did I want to change?
2. Update the addresses and phone numbers.
3. Reprint!
4. Put back together.
5. Enjoy a [re]organized and simpler way to get in contact with family.

Newly updated address list, in ABC order!

A phone number list (already created).

A Christmas card list for the next few years (already created, just updated).

A Birthday and Anniversary List (already created).

Birthday, anniversary labels and stamps in the back. 

One step closer to a organized home! 

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