Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Babies, Birthdays and Battles


I have had the most wonderful opportunity to babysit for my best friend's little girls throughout the summer. After missing so much of their lives I treasured every moment with them. Now as I start my new job I will not be able to spend as much time with them as I have been so the last few weeks have been especially special. 

Baby Erin playing her newest game, "Peek a Boo"

She makes the FUNNIEST faces!! I was excited to catch this one on camera!

Addison LOVES to color!
And this particular day she was nakey... 
There is nothing better than some cute girls in just their diapers!

Beautiful BIG girl!


We celebrated three special birthdays in the last two months, cousins Jeremiah and Lydia and Addison. 

I did not take any pictures of Jeremiah and Lydia's joint birthday party (forgot my camera..) but I did take pictures of their birthday present!

I made splash balls out of sponges!

I put the splash balls in a big orange bucket to inspire them to create their own games to keep cool during the summer!
In their thank you cards they said they did just that! 

A joint gift perfect for summer fun!

Addison turned TWO!
I will never forget the first time I heard her cry shortly after she was born!
Tears filled my eyes as I listened to proud papa, Eric, sharing the grand news of her birth!
Now two years later we celebrated the gift God has given us, Addison!
Lauren planned a dog themed party, Addison's favorite animal!
Lauren made these ADORABLE cupcakes! 

The birthday girl enjoying her special treat. 

Uncle Ben had some quiet time with Erin. She partied too hard so took a nap on Uncle Ben in a quiet room!

I took on a craft project for Addison's first birthday so Uncle Ben got to do one for her second!
Uncle Ben sanded and repainted this little chair. He made a new seat for it and put tennis balls on the bottom so Addison didn't scratch their hardwood floors. 

This picture may not show it, but Addison loves her chair and uses it all the time.
She does what I call "Talk Shows with Addison" where she sits in the chair and chats with whoever is closest to her or to her stuff animals. 
(Look for pictures of the chair project tomorrow!)


At 23 (almost 24) years old my childhood officially ended this summer with the final movie release of Harry Potter. For the last few movies it is tradition to see the movie in theaters with my in-laws. This movie was no different!

I donned my Voldemore shirt, wand, I love Hungarian Horntails pin and enjoyed the last movie and final battle scenes. The movie was incredible and the battle scenes were breathtaking!! Goodbye childhood and goodbye Harry Potter!

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