Apparently I have overstayed my welcome... I am no longer able to upload photos. I've used up all the space allotted for the blog.
I can..
1. Delete the first year of the blog (my mom printed it for my and put it in a binder as a Christmas present so at least I have it on record).
2. Start a new blog.
3. Pay per month for added storage.
1. Delete the blog. I can use the same blog for the next year (or probably less since I add more photos now) but I will be in the same situation again soon and at that point is it worth deleting more posts.
2. Start a new blog. Create a blog on a site that doesn't have a limit and start fresh with no fear of reaching any sort of limit but I don't have the connection to all my previous posts on this blog.
3. Pay per month for added storage. I get to keep the blog and the access to the previous posts but I will be paying each month for extra storage. And how long will that extra storage last before I need even more....
Any suggestions/advice would be helpful! What should I do?
*looks like as of right now I will be starting a new blog.. I'm hoping it won't be as painful as it sounds...*
I would still suggest starting a new one. This blog has been a wonderful way to follow you guys as a couple but you are entering a new, exciting chapter of your life as parents! Knowing you, you will have a million cute pinterest projects, sweet insights, and bazillion-and-ten pictures of adorable Baby H when he/she arrives. You aren't going to want to limit yourself and I, for one, don't want you to either! I love you, you hubby, your baby, and your blog and I will follow-it wherever cyberspace leads (okay that was cheesy). You can always keep this one and go back to remind yourself of all the amazing memories recorded here <3