Wednesday, April 25, 2012

OH: Week Fifteen

Organize Your Home: Week 15
Home Office Organization

Steps to this week's challenge:
1. Designate Space For Your Home Office and Declutter
Thankfully we have an entire room. This is helpful since I am working from home most of the day.
2. Organize and Clear Off Your Desk
I was able to clean off and organize the desk while reducing some of the clutter from the top.
3. Organize Home Office Supplies and Equipment
I went through the office supplies, donated some, threw away others then reorganized them. 
4. Choose the Right Home Office Storage Solutions
This is a work in progress. Right now what we are doing is working for us but eventually we won't have a whole room to dedicate to an office so I'm on the lookout for something that will work for us in the future. 

This past week's challenge will be an ongoing challenge for me. I did make some progress in our office but it will take me probably all summer to get the room where I want it to be. 

Last week the office looked like this.

Desk is organized but super cluttered.
Plastic organizers are slightly unorganized but filled with objects we don't really use.

Our bookshelf was recently organized. We went through the books and donated the ones we no longer wanted to keep. 

I have about 10 binders related to work! It was taking up too much of my space!

These four (only three pictured) drawers were mostly organized but filled with unnecessary objects. 

I cleared off the middle part of the desk, moved binders from the desk to the bookshelf, cleaned out pencil/pen container and went through paperwork. That little pile is Ben's to go through. 

I brought half of the binders to school and the ones from the desk moved here. The binders aren't exploding from the bookshelf anymore. In fact there is even space for one more if needed! 

I emptied one drawer!!  Making progress to my eventual goal of getting rid of one of the two drawer systems in the office. 

The empty drawer! Yeah!

I put cords and small electronics in plastic bags and labeled them. 

Still on my To Do list for this challenge
(hoping to complete this challenge this summer)
1. Get rid of one plastic drawer unit.
2. Move craft supplies into coat/craft closet.
3. Go through paper/small keepsakes in office closet.
4. Start scrapbooking and reduce the number of pictures in the office closet. 
5. Continue reducing office supplies and clearing off the desk. 

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