Monday, June 18, 2012

Our little Garden

We may not own our own home but we do want the place we rent to feel like home so we decided to work on the front part of the house. 

This is before we started working on the two garden areas. 
The weeds were getting out of hand (and I did work on this before the picture was taken)!
Weeds growing everywhere, a big plant overshadowing the rest of the garden space and a messy sidewalk. 

Besides the two grass-like plants on the side and some tulips the rest of this is weeds. You can see there are big rocks that line the sidewalk but there is a space where there are no rocks.

Plain deck, weedy mess and no color.

Day 1: I weeded the small garden area, leveled it out and added compost soil. 

Day 2: Ben dug out all the old soil and threw compost soil on top. 

Day 3 Memorial Day: Ben split up the big grasses and put them in two separate areas. 

I evened out the dirt Ben threw into the large garden area. Ben moved over some of the tall grass to under the tree. I picked out some fushias (Ben choose the flower type) and we hung them up as well. 

The side of our house was pretty bare - not even grass could be found here. 
We are growing some sunflowers there (you can barely seem them in this photo). 

We threw in half of the grass plant here. 

After I dug up the ground, added compost soil, and leveled out the area.

Ben took a few tree limbs down to add some extra sunlight on our little friends. 

Bye tree.

Preparing to plant our friends!

Bachelor Button


Moss Rose

Ben found the missing rocks. They were there along just covered in dirt. We made a mess clearing out the rocks and let the dirt dry for a few days. Then I cleared the sidewalk off. 

Here is what the yard was looking like at the end of Memorial Day.

I'll put up new pictures after we put the mulch on! 
(Hopefully that gets done soon!)
I can't wait to show you how our garden has grown!

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