Sunday, February 5, 2012

OH: Week Four

Organize Your Home: Week 4
Organize Recipes and Cookbooks

This week's challenge did not take a lot of time. This was a great challenge for this week because I didn't have a lot of time this week and barely found time to squeeze this challenge in.

A few years ago I made a recipe binder. Since then have printed off recipes and have done a fairly good job of keeping things organized. Since moving into our apartment in July are once organized recipe area got a little out of hand. This is what the recipe area looked like before I started the challenge.

With this challenge it was important to get rid of recipes. With places like and it is very easy to find new recipes. If I hadn't made the recipe yet I really considered if it was worth keeping. My cooking style has changed so I got rid of recipes that included canned items or other ingredients that I do not use.

So not terrible but not organized... 

I put recipes here until I have time to file them. 

Steps I completed for this weeks challenge:
1. Pull out all the recipe books.
2. Clean shelf.
3. Empty previously made binder and put all the recipes floating around the cabinet into one pile.
4. Go through recipes. Be honest with yourself about the recipes you will actually make. 

5. Recycle recipes you haven't made or ones that you know you can find quickly online. 
 5. Organize recipes into categories that makes sense for you and your family. My main categories were appetizers, salad, soup, chicken, main dishes, drinks, desserts (separated further by cookies, cakes, summer/ice cream based, muffins, fruit based (cobblers), etc.) and winter desserts. 
6. Hole punch ALL recipes including recipe cards. 

7. And finally put everything together! Before I did not have my recipe cards in the binder which led me to forget about some recipes. 

8. Take a moment to enjoy the progress!
9. Go through recipe books and donate what you have not/will not use.
10. Put everything back sorted from tallest to smallest. 

11. Leave room to grow. 
A cork board and recipe folder to store recipes until they can be organized into the recipe binder. 

There you have it! An organized recipe area! 

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