Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hi Ho It's off to Grand Rapids We Go!

We have made it to Grand Rapids!!

Friday I said goodbye to my student teaching classroom.
Sunday I said goodbye to my job at the zoo.
Tuesday Ben said goodbye to the Discovery Center and Boy's Ranch.
Wednesday we said hello to my parents!
Thursday morning we made a quick trip to the airport to visit with a friend for 30 minutes who was in town interviewing at a college in South Dakota.
Friday morning, 8am, we left our little apartment in Sioux Fall to travel to Grand Rapids!!
We stayed overnight in Illinois on Friday before completing our trip making it to Grand Rapids a little after 3pm on Saturday afternoon!

In a short amount of time we caught up with the Ben's family, some family in Holland and our best friends! 

Since arriving in Grand Rapids Ben and I have moved into the room that his older sisters shared when they lived here. Most of our belongings are in little pod type containers and were taken away. We have looked at one apartment and have others scheduled for this week. 

We were able to attend Raena's lacrosse game and then got a phone call from our friends who needed our help unexpectingly this evening. We live a life with no regrets and we enjoyed our time in Sioux Falls but we are so thankful to be here and so involved with their lives and happy to be back in Michigan! 

1 comment:

  1. I still can't believe you guys are actually here. I am so very, very thankful for you living closer to us. We were the best of friends even when you lived in the UP and SD but it is so amazingly, wonderful to know that we can call you to hang out on a Saturday night :) So, so thankful!
